Thermal blankets are used in emergency situations to protect you from sudden and extreme weather conditions. A thermal insulation blanket should be part of your emergency supplies. This video shows the popular blankets used.

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Go Time Gear Life Bivy Emergency Thermal Blanket

This is waterproof, lightweight, compact, and reflects up to 90% of your body heat. The paracord can be used to make a shelter or as tinder for fire. A survival whistle is included to alert rescuers. The blanket consists of polyethylene.

Swiss Safe Emergency Mylar Blanket

This can be used as an outdoor shelter, a ground cover, or a solar oven. It retains 90% of your body heat. It is also very brightly colored for rescue teams. It is made of aluminized mylar.

SOL (Survive Outdoors Longer) Emergency Blanket

Cost-effective and durable and best for outdoor survival for long periods. It is made of vacuum-metalized polyethylene.

A thermal insulation blanket is ideal for hikers, mountain climbers, and just to put in your emergency survival kit. They are all designed to retain heat and prevent body temperature from falling. Choose one that suits your needs best.


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