If you are going away to college for your first year, or returning to live in a new townhouse-style space, it is important for you to pack all of the essentials. While it’s obvious you will forget some things, creating a convenient checklist can help prevent unnecessary stress and hassle. Before you just fill your cart with things you think you need, let this video give you a brief outline on what things are essentials and what are extra add-ons. Let’s get started!
First of all, let’s talk kitchenware. You will want simple silicone kitchen tools, as well as simple plates and utensils.
It’s always a good idea to invest in a quality set of knives for cooking as well. You will probably need a cutting board, bowls, and a lot of quality mugs that are made to last. If you’re a coffee drinker, you will need extras. Bring a heat pad for cold nights, a vacuum, vacuum-sealable storage packs, and many power strips for your devices. Moving into a college apartment is a big transition, so be sure you have all the essentials before you move in!